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Yard Card GrEEtiNg RENtals

Hello! We are Ellis County's ORIGINAL Yard Card Greeting company!

Super Yard Cards takes joy in serving our communities and partnering with local organizations to celebrate the special moments.

Any moment that deserves celebrating is a moment that deserves a

Super Yard Card Greeting! 

What is a yard card greeting?

A yard card, is just that...a card in a yard.

When you order from  SUpEr Yard CardS, we takE carE of EVERYTHING for you! OUr yard grEETINGS INCLUDE a pErsONalizEd NaME & AGE for birthdays, sEt-Up, & pick Up.  by filling out our online form you will give us all the details we need to create something super special for your loved one! WE HANDLE THE REST TO MAKE YOU LOOK GOOD! 

Birthdays, BABY ANNOUNCEMENTS, GENDEr REvEals, GradUatiONs, ENgagEMENts, QuiNcEañEras, Fourth of July, OvEr thE Hill, Prom, HomEcoMiNg, 1st Day of School, CONGRATS, Sports, OPEN HoUsE, School EvENTs, FEstivals, COMMUNITY EVENTS & MORE!

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